Welcome to our first Bloomcore blog!

Hello Bloomie,

Welcome to our first Bloomcore blog!

And for those who have visited us already in our brand new shop, Bloomcore Florists and Makers, on Southwold High street, welcome and thank you! Our customers so far have had such lovely, positive things to say which we are really grateful to hear.

We opened our beautiful store last Saturday 1 July, 2023, with all hands on deck - Lizzie, Emma and Anna - who had worked tirelessly in the lead up to the launch.

Merging 2 studios into one shop space brought logistical - and storage! - challenges, but the end result is so fabulous and we have successfully created the dreamy and beautiful space we had envisioned.

Fresh stems and pretty posies were available, as well as dried arrangements, houseplants and potted colour, all gift wrapped and ready to enjoy in your homes or gift to friends and loved ones.

Our local Makers were in stock too, whom we have selected to complement our luxe floral and botanical brand. Artisan crafts including handmade jewellery, cards, macrame hangers and wall hangings, floral artworks, as well as gorgeous botanical bath salts, crystal candles and textiles form part of our offering.

Local business owners (hello neighbours!) along with friends and family, joined us at the end of a busy day as the Mayor of Southwold, Mr Simon Flunder, performed the official opening by cutting the ribbon and saying a few words to welcome us to the high street.

No resting on our laurels however, as we have continued the week greeting our customers and fulfilling orders including arrangements for a Manolo Blahnik event at the Wilderness; flowers for The Swan and Crown hotels; and then trying to scrub up our florist’s hands for our Bloomie who’s getting married herself on Saturday! Congratulations Emma and Paul, we can’t wait to celebrate with you, and how else would one launch a new chapter in the flower business but to have their own wedding!

Until next week, with lots of love and floral joy,

The Bloomcore Team xoxo


Embracing Compassion in October: A Reflection on Breast Cancer and Baby Loss Awareness at Bloomcore Southwold