True Romance


A lavish and luxurious arrangement, this romantic bouquet has an abundance of “Red Naomi” roses and stunning pink lilies. The perfect floral gift to show someone you love them on Valentines

All of these stunning vibrant blooms are lovingly selected from our shop in the heart of Southwold,  arranged on the day and Complimented with a handwritten note card for the one you love.

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A lavish and luxurious arrangement, this romantic bouquet has an abundance of “Red Naomi” roses and stunning pink lilies. The perfect floral gift to show someone you love them on Valentines

All of these stunning vibrant blooms are lovingly selected from our shop in the heart of Southwold,  arranged on the day and Complimented with a handwritten note card for the one you love.

A lavish and luxurious arrangement, this romantic bouquet has an abundance of “Red Naomi” roses and stunning pink lilies. The perfect floral gift to show someone you love them on Valentines

All of these stunning vibrant blooms are lovingly selected from our shop in the heart of Southwold,  arranged on the day and Complimented with a handwritten note card for the one you love.